The tyrannical business leader

“It is a common sight to see those in power behaving like street thugs, armed with nothing more than their own influence”

Julen Basagoiti
2 min readJan 27, 2023


The business world is abuzz with talk of a new form of leadership; one that is more participatory, empathetic, and less authoritarian. However, the reality on the ground tells a different story.

An alarming number of individuals continue to suffer in their workplaces, as evidenced by the growing demand for coaching services

The root of this problem lies in the way that many organizations are run; with an iron fist by leaders who are tyrannical and self-absorbed.

Take a look at the companies that make headlines on a regular basis. Examine the leadership at the helm. What kind of leadership do you see being exercised?

These leaders are only concerned with the completion of their programs and strategic plans, regardless of the impact on their employees or the longevity of the company.

They amass large fortunes through questionable means, with some executive compensation packages being nothing short of scandalous.

It is always men who have torn down what others have built (hence their predilection for discrediting inherited heritage). At the…



Julen Basagoiti
Julen Basagoiti

Written by Julen Basagoiti

Father and Entrepreneur / I write about Leadership, Business Strategy, Innovation, Education, Family Life, ...

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